seek peace, practice liberality, pursue wisdom

Sunday, July 31, 2011

things that happen inside people

i spent last year in Malawi, and i saw many things.

i cried, traveled, was challenged, and i absorbed many things.

BBC filled my mind, and tragedy filled my sight, and i learned many things.

hope was preached by hypocrisy's best friend: indifference, and i gave up on many things.

up and down, i came and fled from Jesus, and i suffered many things.

mind abuzz with questions lacking answers, and illusions, now deluded, i lost faith in many things.

soul-bothered and sore-shouldered, carrying the weight of the burden of helplessness, i discerned many things.

push, pull, tug, tear, and my heart whispered many things.

until finally, when all was at a loss, and everything i valued was sifted and shifted and decreased, i stared at my dirty feet, heaved a great heave of Malawian sky, and knew that Jesus was still King, and i was content.
with many things.